Thursday, April 28, 2011

Yesterday's missing post

...was not on account of visiting Andy. I just wasn't in the mood to post. Then I forgot.

So I definitely had things to talk about yesterday, but at this point I've forgotten pretty much all of them. I remember not liking that we had a particular guest in our apartment. That's about it.

Oh, right. Karate. We've learned our first kata: Taikyoku Shodan. A kata is essentially a practice form that puts you through a series of moves. Taikyoku Shodan is basically kata form 1A. It's just basic punches a bunch of down blocks. Still, though, I'm pretty psyched to have learned it.

I took karate as a child, just for a little while, and the only thing I remember learning was some set of moves that didn't seem to mean anything. Looking back, now, I think that must have been this. I can definitely appreciate it a lot more now.

Something else exciting regarding karate: today, after showering, I noticed I'm slowly beginning to develop abs. Hot.

Anyway, so today not a whole lot happened, yet. Standard day of classes. I did see Girl on the bus for the first time in ages. She was talking to somebody she knew, a cute guy in a fedora. She has her hair dyed purple now. We didn't really interact, other than an exchanged smile when I boarded. Apparently I was really repulsive, because nobody sat next to me the entire ride, except one person, who then moved. There was even a very good-looking guy (sorta looked like Andy, actually) who, based on his dress, I'm stereotyping was gay. I was sad he passed me by. Oh well. When we got to school, he then complimented Girl on her hair, and asked her where she got the dye, because he needed some purple dye, he said. Cute guy. :p

Speaking of cute guys, I have a date tonight with my current favorite of them. I actually just got a text that Andy's on his way. We have reservations in an hour at Benihana, a Japanese cook-at-the-table restaurant(that style may or may not be called "hibachi." I've had some confusion as to what that term specifically refers to). I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to seeing him. It was only Monday I saw him last, but hey.

I'm actually back to being worried concerning him. That's just insecurities, I suppose. If I'm not about to beef up and overcome them, then all I can do is sit through them and try to act as reasonably as possible. We'll see what happens (I'm sure I've said that fifty times here by now).

Anyway, I'll wrap this up and...I don't know. Rehydrate or work on that poem or something. Later.

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