Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Mmmkay, so....heya.

I don't know what all I've written in this blog. I probably already explained the premise for it somewhere in the previous posts. Here's a quick recap, though:

I was in a class called "Creativity and Content Development," and one of our ongoing assignments was to write a blog. This was one of my two attempts to do that. Both failed. Indeed, I think I failed to do pretty much all of the assignments. One thing I did do was write a ten page paper on why I didn't care what grade I got in the class. The paper was in .5 spacing, but like size 20 font. All the text was in text boxes shaped like letters, the ten pages spelling out C-R-E-A-T-I-V-I-T-Y. At the end of the class, the teacher handed out three Marie Calender's gift cards. I got one. I guess that means I did alright, despite not doing much, work-wise. Oh boy.

Anyway, I left this blog abandoned for all that time, and forgot about it. That was about a year ago, apparently. So why am I here now?

Well, I was looking up the word "azure" (this is really how this story begins), and it seemed strangely familiar to me. I then realized that, back when I used to play Gaia Online, I made a "guild" for people at my then-school called the Azure Assembly. I made a little logo for it and everything.
Now, I didn't especially care about the guild, but I was fond of the logo. I couldn't find it on my computer, so I went into Gaia and looked for the guild. I could not find it. I even tried browsing my posts to try to find it, but to no avail. In my posts, however, I did find a project of mine there, where I had been trying to collect in-game currency by doing forum posts. Basically I was just rambling to myself.
I realized that that's sort of what I do with my friends anyway (actually, it's exactly what I do with my friends anyway), and I decided that maybe it would be a good idea to start up a blog, because I think it'd be good for me, or something. I went ahead and rambled about this to my dear friend Jessica, and in the process remembered that I had this thing. Tada!

So now I'm here. I have homework I should really get working on. I'll do that. I'll talk more about the last year later, because that seems like an appropriate thing to do.

Until next time.

PS Fun fact: I gave that Gaia Online project and this blog the same title.

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