Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hai!!! (No, legit)

So Karate.

Today, after class, I took a trip over to Target to buy some sportswear, which is something I've never done once in my life. We had our first meeting for the class on Monday, during a block that we share with intermediates. We did nothing but sit and watch the whole time. We were told to return today with loose clothes, so I went and got me some (part of the outfit is purple, purple being the best one). I then returned to school, got some lunch, hung out in the computer lab, played Picross 3D (in 2D) and finally went to class.

I fucking loved it. I've never been any sort of sport or even exercise-oriented person, but everything there just felt awsome. We did nothing today but warm-up and work on the basic stance for shotokan (do I capitalize that? I dunno), but it was great. The first warm-up is everybody just running around in a big circle, either direction, trying not to run into each each other. Then push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, jumping around, the works. I loved it. I loved working on the stances. I loved everything.

I dunno what it is about it. I just felt really comfortable with (admittedly only the very start of) everything, and I look forward to continuing with it. I might even go ahead and take the higher level courses, even though I'll have gotten my phys. ed. requirement. Maybe I'll even look into training somewhere?

Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. It was only the first real day, after all. Still, though. I'm into this shit.

"Hai" is "yes" in Japanese, and is the affirmative for anything in class. We're meant to really belt it out. Now, I've done some theater, and my projection's alright, but today, after the instructor (Sensei Peter Rabbitt!) told us to up it a notch, I was pretty surprised with what came out of me. It was clear that the people around me were, too. xD

Anyway, that's that. Off to procrastinate some more.

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