Friday, April 15, 2011

Since I'm doing absolutely nothing else anyway....

...I might as well post.

So I woke up very late this morning. My Spanish class was not being held, and my English class was. Fortunately, the English class is the later one, and I woke up just as soon as I had to leave. I was wicked tired all the way there, all the way through class (where only like eight of us showed up - it was an optional day that most teachers took off, but not outs), and all the way home. Then I finally rehydrated and ate something, and felt much better.

Then I just did nothing for a long time. I have to do laundry before tomorrow night, and should get a good bit of homework done. Good thing I had seven hours to do that just now.

I did go to Safeway and get some lunch meat and lots of cash back. Also four Cadburry eggs, which I ate on the way home. Each one was less delicious than the last (except the third), and I did not really enjoy eating them. I do not regret the purchase. Also, on the way there, I saw some dude sleeping in the bushes. I'm assuming he was asleep and not dead because when I passed on the way back, he was gone (although there was then a backpack there). This was outside of "Party Time Adult Books," an establishment I've never been to, but I happen to know they have glory holes. That's exciting, I guess. Never actually encountered one of those.

So I came back home and did a lot more nothing, and a little talking to people. Now I should probably start on some work, maybe? That'd be good.

I have been playing keyboard through the day. Earlier I played one favorite excerpt from a song over and over again with different voices (doing it with lasers was especially grating, xD) in the dark. That was fun.

At some point I let Sophie (the overwhelmingly preferred of the six rats in this apartment) roam around for a little bit. She's darling.

Also, today (like most days) I heard a shouting match from the recentish downstairs neighbors. Fun.

I'm excited about tomorrow. About Andy. Oh boy.

(I feel like at some point I might stop making this a diary and start making it a place to talk about my thoughts about various things. Maybe not. Probably both, eventually. We'll see.)

Fun Fact: I had five views yesterday. All of them were from Australia. HMM. I WONDER WHO THAT COULD BE. <3

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