Monday, April 25, 2011

God-damned delightful

In fact, I cannot wait to see Andy, apparently. We haven't gone more than five days without seeing each other since we first met in person. I'm totally okay with that, too.

So last night after getting back from Easter, I was sorta doing homework and mostly talking to Andy. After a time, he told me his friend Adam had shown up, so I dismissed him. However, the conversation turned out to continue going on, and somewhere in there Adam said he'd like to meet me sometime. It didn't take long before I was out at the bus stop, waiting to make my way north.

While waiting there, I called Andy to make sure that I hadn't missed a vital bus passing. I don't know whether I had or not, because the only response I got after a moment was, "we're coming to get you." So I returned home and waiting. Some time later I got a call that the two were there, so I made my way outside and met them. We decided to go to the Mini-Gourmet before heading north, and we chatted for a while and Adam (who is Andy's best friend, it turns out) interrogated me about myself. Apparently he was pleased that I was cute (which was apparently a change from past guys Andy's seen. That's nice, I guess?). After a time we did head north, where we then hung out further. After however long, Adam left.

Now, I had every intention to make it to school today, which just meant that I had to be back in San Jose by 11:30. That's totally doable. Andy and I, before too long, went to bed.

I'm not going to go into tremendous detail about everything that happened in that bed (there was no sex that night, if that's what you were wondering), but trust that it was very close, and very sweet, and I was just continually reminded of how special I think he is. I was stunned several times throughout the night (and following morning) when I was being held so comfortably, having great interactions with somebody I really enjoy the company of, and I turn around to look him in the eye and see that, yeah, by the way: he's utterly gorgeous, too. Really, not a bad way to spend a night.

The next morning I was well aware that school was not vital to me. Now, I don't want it to seem like I don't value my education, but I had two morning classes, and I knew what we were doing in both of them and I have both of them five times a week, and they're only an hour each. I felt like missing a session of each was acceptable, considering the great non-academic benefit I was getting from staying. In a lot of ways, I think that's more immediately important. Anyway, I won't make a habit of it.

So we hung around in bed a lot, and spent a lot of time kissing and cuddling and being generally (and specifically) intimate. It was all lovely. It was all wonderful. I was so fucking happy the whole time.

Eventually we got up to do things. Arlia (his dog) needed more food, so we went to the store to get some, Arlia in tow. The fun part was that we took his motorcycle. I had never been on one before, and I love it (granted, it was a little different experience with the sidecar attached, but the sidecar had a dog in it, so it just became a slightly different sort of awesome). I was also fond of having my arms around him the whole time. On the way back from the pet store, we stopped in GameStop, where I convinced myself to buy and actualy 3DS game: The Sims 3, which is the only launch title that even a little bit appealed to me. I've played it some. I was expecting a plot-driven game, as some former handheld Sims games were, but it isn't that way. It's more like a simplified version of The Sims. I'm not in love with it, thus, but whatever. I might enjoy it.

It wasn't too long after that that it was time for me to return to San Jose in order to get to karate (which is only twice a week and always features new material), and for him to make his way to Boulder Creek in order to take care of some of the business. He hung out for a few minutes when he dropped me off, and then we both departed to our destinations. We will see each other again on Thursday.

I am so fucking happy with this guy. I love spending time with him, and at this point I know he enjoys spending time with me. Things are going so well, and I'm just very hopeful that they continue this way. It'd be something of an honor to be able to call him my boyfriend. I know that we have something good going for us right now, though, so I'm really not in a hurry, I guess. I'm just happy to have what I have now with him. I look forward to see what happens next.

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