Thursday, April 7, 2011

So we're going daily now?


See, when this blog started, it was an assignment. Also, I had a boyfriend at the time. Those in conjunction reduced my willingness to post. Allow me to explain: Assignments are required, and so less fun, and not something I'm motivated to do. That part's easy. The boyfriend part is just that I tend to ramble on and on. It's really quite something. Being in a relationship, I had a regular outlet for that in talking with Michael. I also had some other friends I could ramble to. Now, I still have friends (and still talk to Michael), but I've been feeling like my relationships lately have largely been me rambling to people, with little or no return content, or even input.


Something like that.

Anyway, that means that now it seems like I can update here pretty regularly, just blathering on about my day and what goes into it. Now then, let's get to it!

This morning I had a weird-ass dream. It all happened in like an hour, which I happen to know because I woke up around six thirty lay in bed for a bit, and then woke up again at eight. There was some detail before I'll jump in, but I don't really recall it. I just know that I was in, I think, my great aunt and uncle's house, and the floor was at once hardwood and water. There was something dangerous swimming around in it. Everybody had to go, so I was alone there. After a time I knew I could leave whenever I wanted, finding my way home by bus, but I chose not to. I think a part of this had to do with the fact that there was also a child there (who was the younger version of somebody I know now. That was weird) who I didn't want to leave alone until his parents came.

So me and this kid went outside, and there was a street show going on. We sat and watched for a bit, I was holding him on my lap. It was sort of an open mic deal, where audience members or people on the street would just walk up and do something. After a little while, -situation shift- people began arriving for the wedding reception. My childhood best friend and his parents and sister showed up. I said hi to him and talked to him a little, and then a little later went and talked to his sister. Then I woke up, and everybody was gone. I realized that I -had- talked to my old friend, but I had only dreamt talking to his sister. I figured everybody had gone to the reception hall, so I made my way there. On the way, I found the ruins of an old stone church. I tried taking pictures of it with my phone, but the hardware was screwed up, so no go there.

Now, things get a bit fuzzy, but I'm -fairly- sure I then went to the kitchen in the reception hall. I believe I encountered my sister there (the wedding would have been for her, as she was married recently), and we ate some fruit and I told her about how I had dreamt about having a conversation, and how seamless it had felt. I feel like I then looked outside, and where it had once been dark, it was now daytime, and so I began to suspect that I was indeed still asleep. I then thought, "hey, lucid dreaming. Let's do it." I decided the first thing to try would be flying. I managed to get off the floor a little, and the float around some. For some reason, I didn't want to try too much more.

Then, I woke up again. I was still at my great aunt and uncle's place. So now I'm finally awake, and I go to where the reception is. I go through the kitchen and outside, where I encounter a friend (somebody from life who I've known for a long time, but haven't ever been especially close to). I told her all about the lucid dreaming and about how I was tired to being asleep. I had been asleep a long time, at this point, and was tired just from that. She sat behind me and held me while I talked and relaxed (wouldn't happen in real life).

Around when I decided to go get involved with talking to people (who were all around a campfire which had long-since gone out), I woke up again in the middle of my twelfth grade English class (which was populated with strangers). Apparently myself and somebody else had both fallen asleep in class, but everybody decided to leave it, because we were both talking in our sleep and narrating a really interesting story. We were discussing this when I finally really woke up in bed.

Christopher Nolan would be proud.

Anyway, so I did a little work in the morning, but mostly was being mopey for no good reason. Then I went to school and to class x2, and was mopey until the end of English when, because of the events of the class, in conjunction with another secreter reason, I felt better. I had lunch, and then realized that I had a full day until I really had to do anything more. I debated going on an adventure, but instead just headed to Cogswell to hang out. In the school parking lot I found a dirty, scratched up but in-tact CD labeled "Wild Nyte." I don't know what's on it. I want to clean it up and see if I can play it. In other news, there's an abandoned restaurant behind Cogswell. I made it a goal my first year there to try to get inside of it after four years. Today, I found an open window, but it was stuck ajar at too-little width for me to reach in and open it any further. After several minutes of trying to figure it out, I gave up on it and headed inside.

So now I'm at Cogswell with no real plans, tired of being here but not wanting to move, and life is boring right now. (for proof, consult the massive wall of text I just assaulted a possible eventual audience of one with). I guess this is the close for that. Buh-bye.

(Fun fact: I remember that in first grade, I thought that if you were a scientist, it meant you were either a botanist or an astronaut. Not that I knew the word "botanist" at the time.)

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