Sunday, January 29, 2012


I've been slowly convincing myself to write a poem. Well, I've already convinced myself I should. At this point I just need to sit down and do it. I have several ideas whirling around, and I should find the motivation to sift through and channel them into something meaningful. Maybe that will even happen sometime. Maybe.

I don't know why I felt motivated to share that here. It's not like I was sitting here on the "new post" screen itching for ideas. No, I was browsing the Internet and decided to come write about it specifically. Maybe it's an subconscious effort to make it happen faster. Dunno.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

And further...

Oh wait...

This should really just be an edit, but I'm making up for lost stamps*.

So I went to FurCon last weekend, which included a trip to Brix, one of San Jose's downtown gay clubs. It was too crowded with furries and confused patrons. It was a good night.

Since then I learned about and have spent time in a gay bar down a long road from school, Tinker's Damn. I like it there, mostly for one bartender, Alex (pronounced "Alec," for some reason) who bought me my first drink. Rum and diet Coke. I enjoyed it. I didn't finish.

A 21-year-old homosexual going to a gay bar, and a club once. Shocking.


Holy shit

Hello. I didn't see you there.

Are you hungry?



If brainchildren are anything like regular children, I shouldn't reproduce.

Anyway, so I think somewhere in November was my last post? Shit's gone down since then. Most notably and recently, I have entered into the holy mother-fuckin' sanctified bonds of boyfriendity with the everloving Kyle David Smith, or as we like to call him around here: "you."

That's what I call him most of the time, anyway.

But yes. We finally tied the knot in our really pretty open relationship, which basically only means we say "I love you" a lot more.
It's pretty great. <3

Aaaand....short of that, there isn't a ton to share.

Oh, maybe I never made it clear to this audience (of would-be now-dead children?) that Kyle and I have a thing. Well to make it short, imagine this: I met somebody and got close enough to them to want to be boyfriends. Crazy.

I think the only item in my - Really? Last post was in November? That can't be right. Is it? Oh well - life that has changed since my last post is that I play League of Legends now, and Skyrim, if I never mentioned that before.

I learned I can't go to Star this year without skipping out on finals week.

I want to bring Kyle to the big M-D this summer. I think it'll happen.

I've been up 13 hours after being asleep 12 hours after being up 12 hours after sleeping...I dunno. My sleep's fucked up. Good thing it's only nightish classes this quarter.

So there you go.

PS: Based upon an unworthy sample size's worth of sample (two), international Russians do not make for good kissers.