Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Live from the bottom eastern corner of a dark house by the woods...

I leave on Friday - the shuttle shows up at 12:30. Between now and then I'll have to take care of some packing, which pretty much just means doing some laundry and throwing it all in a bag.

I've been saturating myself with junk food and video game (not plural) and TV and old movies, and as of last night, the amazing outdoors I grew up with and have recently ignored. Last night I took my pillow and comforter out on the deck and slept there naked. It was pretty fucking fantastic. I awoke to see the dawn, which was gorgeous, since we have an eastern view, and then fell asleep again for a large part of the day.

I won't even try to sort through the personal realizations I've had reecntly, because the most significant one is that it's pretty much always the same. I go through the same cycles all the time, and arrive at similar conclusions that don't really modify my world view enough to make it worth mentioning, and even beyond that, these realizations are nothing that every other human hasn't/won't go(ne) through, so...I'll keep my relevations to myself and save everybody the trouble of dealing with redundant dramatic drivel.

Incidently, that leaves me with nothing else to report. Buh-bye.

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