Monday, March 5, 2012

Out and About, For Once

So sometimes I do actually do things. This morning (as an extension from having been awake all night) I walked to Burger King to get myself some food, which is awesome*. I decided also to take some pictures for a card for my sister, whose birthday it is today. I ended up with a difficult-to-discern "HAPPY BIRTH" picture.

So that's fun. My favorite of those are the B and I, which were taken from inside an abandoned restaurant I used to spend a lot of time on top of. It's recently been being gutted, so I've finally been able to get inside. It's neat. :)

I then slept all day, and a little after waking up, I was invited by Andy to go to Santa Cruz with him and Adam and their friend Ian. They picked me up and we went to this cozy, neat bar where I bought my first drink, woo. It was a tasty raspberry lemon cocktail. Good times. We then went to a club and danced for a while, and while there I met another friend of Andy's. It was good times.

I thought a lot about Andy and life and people and relationships and things. I wasn't really moved by any of it - it was just an overview of facts from my life. I do that a lot.

So anyway, now I'm here in bed not being asleep and just lounging. I hope I manage to sleep and get to class later. In the meantime, I'll chat to people and play Pokémon. Good times.

* I just alerted you to the fact that food is awesome.

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