Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I know how to do some things...

...things you only imagine. I could tell you what sorts of things they are, but I'm not going to, and I'll tell you why. It's not because they don't have words. They do, and if I used those words, you would understand the sort of things I was talking about. The problem, though, is that I have a very particular - pure, even - connection with what I know how do to. If I put words to these things and show them to you, you'll muddy them, and that's no good. I want to spend time with my pure things, and I don't need you to know what those things are to enjoy them. I'll just love them here on my own. Thanks.


  1. ummmmmmmmmm what.....i think i got what you were saying but then i was like" What the fuck is he saying" my bad dude but this isn't my kind of blog i guess...........
